Rice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test is a fun and revealing quiz that measures your life experiences, innocence, and overall personality traits. Originating from Rice University, this test has gradually gained widespread popularity among students and young adults.

Rice Purity Test

Click on every item you have done.

  1. Held hands romantically?
  2. Been on a date?
  3. Been in a relationship?
  4. Danced without leaving room for Jesus?
  5. Kissed a non-family member?
  6. Kissed a non-family member on the lips?
  7. French kissed?
  8. French kissed in public?
  9. Kissed on the neck?
  10. Kissed horizontally?
  11. Given or received a hickey?
  12. Kissed or been kissed on the breast?
  13. Kissed someone below the belt?
  14. Kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
  15. Played a game involving stripping?
  16. Seen or been seen by another person in a sensual context?
  17. Self-pleasure?
  18. Self-pleasure to a picture or video?
  19. Masturbated while someone else was in the room?
  20. Been caught masturbating?
  21. Masturbated with an inanimate object?
  22. Seen or read pornographic material?
  23. Massaged or been massaged sensually?
  24. Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed?
  25. Undressed or been undressed by a MPS (member of the preferred sex)?
  26. Showered with a MPS?
  27. Fondled or had your butt cheeks fondled?
  28. Fondled or had your breasts fondled?
  29. Fondled or had your genitals fondled?
  30. Had or given “blue balls”?
  31. Had an orgasm due to someone else’s manipulation?
  32. Sent a sexually explicit text or instant message?
  33. Sent or received sexually explicit photographs?
  34. Engaged in sexually explicit activity over video chat?
  35. Cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
  36. Purchased contraceptives?
  37. Gave oral sex?
  38. Received oral sex?
  39. Ingested someone else’s genital secretion?
  40. Used a sex toy with a partner?
  41. Spent the night with a MPS?
  42. Been walked in on while engaging in a sexual act?
  43. Kicked a roommate out to commit a sexual act?
  44. Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?
  45. Played a drinking game?
  46. Been drunk?
  47. Faked sobriety to parents or teachers?
  48. Had severe memory loss due to alcohol?
  49. Used tobacco?
  50. Used marijuana?
  51. Used a drug stronger than marijuana?
  52. Used methamphetamine, crack cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers or heroin?
  53. Been sent to the office of a principal, dean or judicial affairs representative for a disciplinary infraction?
  54. Been put on disciplinary probation or suspended?
  55. Urinated in public?
  56. Gone skinny-dipping?
  57. Gone streaking?
  58. Seen a stripper?
  59. Had the police called on you?
  60. Run from the police?
  61. Had the police question you?
  62. Had the police handcuff you?
  63. Been arrested?
  64. Been convicted of a crime?
  65. Been convicted of a felony?
  66. Committed an act of vandalism?
  67. Had sexual intercourse?
  68. Had sexual intercourse three or more times in one night?
  69. Had sexual intercourse 10 or more times?
  70. Had sexual intercourse in four or more positions?
  71. Had sexual intercourse with a stranger or person you met within 24 hours?
  72. Had sexual intercourse in a motor vehicle?
  73. Had sexual intercourse outdoors?
  74. Had sexual intercourse in public?
  75. Had sexual intercourse in a swimming pool or hot tub?
  76. Had sexual intercourse in a bed not belonging to you or your partner?
  77. Had sexual intercourse while you or your partner’s parents were in the same home?
  78. Had sexual intercourse with non-participating third party in the same room?
  79. Joined the mile high club?
  80. Participated in a “booty call” with a partner whom you were not in a relationship with?
  81. Traveled 100 or more miles for the primary purpose of sexual intercourse?
  82. Had sexual intercourse with a partner with a 3 or more year age difference?
  83. Had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
  84. Had sexual intercourse without a condom?
  85. Had a STI test due to reasonable suspicion?
  86. Had a STI?
  87. Had a threesome?
  88. Attended an orgy?
  89. Had two or more distinct acts of sexual intercourse with two or more people within 24 hours?
  90. Had sexual intercourse with five or more partners?
  91. Been photographed or filmed during sexual intercourse by yourself or others?
  92. Had period sex?
  93. Had anal sex?
  94. Had a pregnancy scare?
  95. Impregnated someone or been impregnated?
  96. Paid or been paid for a sexual act?
  97. Committed an act of voyeurism?
  98. Committed an act of incest?
  99. Engaged in bestiality?
  100. Have you ever written a love letter or poem?

Rice Purity Test

Your Score

History of the Rice Purity Test

Students at Rice University initially created the Rice Purity Test to measure how “pure” someone is. Initially, it started as a bonding activity for new students, helping them break the ice and get to know each other. Over time, it became a popular tool for sparking conversations and forming connections among peers.Over time, the test evolved and spread beyond the university, eventually becoming a viral sensation on the internet.

Structure of the Purity Test

The test consists of 100 questions, each covering various aspects of life, such as romantic relationships, personal behavior, and social activities. Furthermore, each question requires a simple “yes” or “no” answer, indicating whether the participant has engaged in the described activity.

Here are some examples of questions you might find in the Purity Test:

  • Held hands romantically?
  • Been on a date?
  • Kissed a non-family member?
rice purity test

Scoring the Rice Purity Test

Each “yes” answer deducts a point from the starting score of 100. Therefore, the lower the score, the more experiences a person has had. Conversely, a higher score indicates fewer experiences and a higher level of “purity.”

Significance of the Scores

What’s a normal rice purity score? A normal Rice Purity score varies widely, but scores typically range from 50 to 80. This range indicates a moderate level of life experience.

What does 100% on the Rice Purity Score mean? A score of 100% means the participant answered “no” to all questions, indicating they avoided all of the listed activities and are considered completely “pure.”

What does 45 mean on the rice purity score? A score of 45 indicates a significant level of life experience. It means the participant has engaged in many of the activities listed in the test.

Common Questions about the Rice Purity Test

Where does the Purity Test come from? The test originates from Rice University, where students initially used it as a social tool for incoming freshmen to bond and share their experiences.

What rice purity test says about you?

The test is a fun way to reflect on your life experiences. It doesn’t define you but provides insight into the variety of activities you have participated in.

How does a purity test work?

Participants answer a series of questions with “yes” or “no.” Each affirmative answer decreases the score by one point from a starting score of 100.

How do I play the rice purity test?

Simply answer each question honestly with “yes” or “no.” At the end of the test, tally up your score based on the number of “yes” answers.

Is a 94 rice purity test good?

A score of 94 indicates a high level of purity, meaning the participant has engaged in very few of the activities listed in the test.

Is the rice purity test anonymous?

Yes, participants typically take the Innocence Test anonymously, which in turn allows them to answer honestly without fear of judgment. Consequently, this anonymity fosters a more genuine and open reflection on personal experiences.

What is a 77 on the rice purity test?

A score of 77 indicates a moderate level of experience, suggesting that the participant has engaged in some of the activities listed. Furthermore, this score highlights a balanced exposure to various experiences, positioning the participant somewhere between complete purity and extensive life experiences.

What is a 93 rice purity score?

A score of 93 indicates a high level of purity, with the participant having engaged in very few activities.


The Purity Test is a light-hearted way to reflect on your life experiences. Although it is not a scientific measure, the Rice Test can still be a fun activity to share with friends, and it often prompts interesting discussions about personal experiences. Regardless of whether your score is high or low, approach the test in good spirits and enjoy it as a social tool.


People Also Ask

What’s a normal rice purity score?

A normal score typically ranges from 50 to 80, thus indicating a moderate level of life experience. Additionally, this range suggests a balance between innocence and exposure to various activities.

What does 100% on rice purity mean?

It means the participant hasn’t engaged in any of the listed activities, thus thereby reflecting complete “purity” and demonstrating a lack of exposure to those experiences.

What does 45 mean on the rice purity score?

A score of 45 suggests a significant level of life experience.

Where does the rice purity test come from?

Rice University created the test as a social bonding activity for new students.

What purity test says about you?

It reflects your life experiences but doesn’t define who you are.

How does a purity test work?

Participants answer “yes” or “no” to a series of questions, with each “yes” decreasing the score.

How do I play the rice purity test?

Answer each question honestly with “yes” or “no.”

Is a 94 rice purity test good?

Yes, it indicates a high level of purity.

Is the rice purity test anonymous?

Yes, it is typically taken anonymously.

What is a 77 on the rice purity test?

It indicates a moderate level of experience.

What is a 93 rice purity score?

It indicates a high level of purity.

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